Giving you the right track to run on

A fortnightly pearl of wisdom to fast track your success

CHRISISM #27 - The Importance of Purpose

17 October 2016

The Importance of Purpose

So how possible is it to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going? Impossible

Chrisism#4 looked at the difference between a job and an opportunity and that difference could be summed up in one word, namely control. In a job someone else has control of your income, so someone else has control of your lifestyle, but in an opportunity you have control of your income, so you have control of your lifestyle.

A job entitles you to have dreams about the lifestyle you would like, but an opportunity allows dreams to become goals which then become reality. Being in the financial services industry is like being in the driving seat of a vehicle that can take you wherever you want to go, but where is that vehicle going to take you if you don’t know where you want to go?

Hence the importance of purpose:-

Why did you get up this morning?

Do you let days happen or do you make days happen?

Do you live to work or work to live?

Once you have stumbled across an opportunity, it becomes absolutely crucial that you have a primary personal financial goal. I say personal financial goal as distinct from a business goal. In my experience business goals will usually be based on what it is that the individual wants to achieve/acquire in their personal life i.e. they are a business means to a lifestyle end.

In order to qualify as a goal rather than just something that would be nice as long as it’s not too hard, there are a number of criteria that need to be met:-


  • It needs to be something you REALLY WANT to the point of you being so excited about getting it that you would be physically sick if you don’t get it.
  • It needs to be 100% crystal clear with no fuzzy edges because you need to be able to visualise it – Remember “What the mind of man can accurately conceive, it can achieve”.
  • It needs to be realistic – this places no restriction on what your goal can be; it simply requires it to be achievable within a realistic timeframe – set it just out of reach but not out of sight.
  • It needs to be date stamped – we all need an impending event
  • Most important of all it needs to be irrespective – under what circumstances will you not achieve goal? Answer:- none and it is this that distinguishes a goal from something that would be nice as long as it’s not too hard.


If you would like the content of this Chrisism fleshed out face to face then you need to come along to my “Sales Skills for Financial Planners” workshop in your capital city in November. Setting & Achieving Goals is just one of eight sessions in this action packed day. Register now with the early bird discount by clicking on the relevant link below.


Register using the links below.
Cost: $450 + GST per person
Earlybird: $400 + GST per person
Time: 9.00am – 4.30pm

Book a ticket in your city below:

Perth - Tuesday 8 November

Adelaide -  Thursday 10 November

Brisbane -  Wednesday 16 November

Melbourne -  Wednesday 23 November

Sydney - Tuesday 29 November



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