Adding Value to Your Risk Advice Process
As we approach a brave new dawn in the financial planning sector, phrases such as “quality of service”, “value proposition”, value of advice” and “fee for service” are uppermost in most financial planners’ minds, but more often than not the risk adviser is perceived as being a separate entity with its head in the sand continuing to knock out a stream of commission based transactions. Client Engagement Process for Trauma Cover
Trauma Cover is generally recognized as an important part of a client’s personal protection package, but many advisers struggle with the client engagement process when it comes to Trauma Cover – a little bit like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. |
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Elements Of The Risk Advice Process
Depending on the length of session required and the parts of the Risk Advice Process that you wish to focus on, this session can be tailor made to your own specific requirements. |
End To End Risk Advice Process
Most financial advisers have always recognized the importance of addressing a client’s insurance needs when formulating a financial plan. However, in the past, the same advisers have often paid lip service to such needs or referred the client elsewhere for this purpose. |
Proper Protection - The Foundation Stone Of A Financial PlanThere has always been a professional obligation on financial planners to do the right thing by their clients when it comes to personal protection, and with the advent of Financial Services Reform in 2004, this was added to by a legal obligation to do the same. Yet here we are some 7 years later in the grip of an underinsurance epidemic – why? Read More » |
The Miracle Product From Cradle To GraveMost advisers recognise that Trauma Cover should form a part of their clients’ personal protection package, but many are not sure exactly how to position it in conjunction with the more traditional and better known products such as Income Protection, TPD & Term Cover and therefore also struggle with a rationale for recommending a specific amount of Trauma Cover. Read More » |
Working More Effectively with Centres of Influence
Although it is my belief that recommendations from happy clients i.e. referrals is by far the most efficient way to expand your business, and indeed it has been my primary source of new business from the word go, I did spend a couple of years working with a group of financial planners who were nearly all accountants, and it seemed to me that a specialist risk adviser was perfectly positioned to be referred clients for personal risk advice, since most of the other planners did very little risk business themselves. |
Estate Planning - Rules of Client EngagementEstate Planning is an area which has always been on the radar for most risk advisers - but often as a peripheral issue. In many cases it has simply involved asking the client if they have a will and, if not, recommending they get one executed as soon as possible. Not only does this invariably fail to create sufficient "call to action" for the client, but it also results in the advisers missing out on ahuge opportunity to add value to their advice process and offer a comprehensive service to their clients in the risk advice space. |
Best Interest Of Client - Differentiating Risk Advice Strategies
This session will outline the benefits of HIGH QUALITY risk advice - both for the adviser and the client. It will explore a number of specific strategies which will enable advisers to separate themselves from the pack and add real value to their clients and their own businesses, thereby putting a big tick in the box called "Best Interest Of Client". |
Communicating Your Value PropositionIdentifying and communicating your CVP has never been more important than it is now in the new FOFA environment. This session will assist you with both these objectives and help you add real value to your client relationships. |