Giving you the right track to run on

A fortnightly pearl of wisdom to fast track your success

Chrisism #101 - Implementation Is The Key

08 October 2019

Implementing Is The Key

At the end of a first client meeting it is essential that we get a commitment to action to ensure we are not wasting our time in putting together our recommendations (see Chrisism#75).

In the same way, for those of you who have enjoyed and got value out of my Chrisisms over the last four years, it will all have been a complete waste of time if you do not implement the ideas that have resonated with you.

When I wrote Chrisism#1, “Overcoming The Price Barrier” all those years ago, I never thought that I would be signing off with Chrisism#101 some four years later, but I guess it just shows how much knowledge and wisdom one can accumulate over a 40 year period!

The content of my Chrisisms has been quite evenly split between risk advice specific and more generic soft skills content – 43 of the former and 58 of the latter to be precise, but the same thing applies to every single one of them irrespective of the specific content, and that is the fact that it will not be the ideas themselves that will potentially make a difference to your business, but the effective implementation of the ideas in your business.

For those of you have read and enjoyed my Chrisisms over the years, it would be great to hear from you which particular Chrisisms were your favourites and which have made the biggest difference to your business. I will be rerunning all 101 Chrisisms on a fortnightly basis commencing soon and please be aware that you can also access all of them on my website.

In addition, for those of you who might prefer an audio version to a written version, I also plan to convert all 101 Chrisisms into podcasts – watch this space for details. I am also contemplating making them the content of my second book, namely “101 Simple Pearls of Wisdom to Fast Track Your Success”. Let me know your thoughts.

Finally, look out for my new upcoming face to face workshops in the major capitals towards the end of the year. The workshop is entitled “Creating, Communicating & Differentiating Your Value Proposition in the Risk Advice Space” and it is accredited with 6 CPD points. You may want to pencil in the following dates:- Brisbane 26/11, Melbourne 28/11, Sydney 29/11, Adelaide 4/12 & Perth 5/12. You will receive all the details of these workshops in the next couple of weeks.

The Risk Workshop by Chris Unwin

Are you a financial adviser who would like all of your clients to have appropriate types and levels of personal protection? But perhaps you feel you need a more structured and client friendly engagement process?